Residence Permit

    in Budva

    Residence Permit in Budva

    As a foreigner, you can obtain a temporary residence permit for Montenegro (valid for 1 year) in two ways:

    • Buying real estate
    • Company formation

    This residence permit must be renewed annually; after 5 years you have the chance of a permanent residence permit.

    Picture of a permit at work

    When setting up a company, the process looks like this:

    • You need relevant documents such as a valid passport, police certificate with apostille and proof of qualifications such as degrees
    • You set up a company locally. Shell companies are not allowed in Montenegro
    • In addition to incorporation, you must have health insurance for one month (approx. €30), go to the doctor once (approx. €25) and complete a few administrative procedures
    • You also need a notarized residence in Montenegro. Simply ask your landlord and make sure that he or she is willing to go with you to the notary
    • It is also advisable for your company to open a bank account in Montenegro
    • Prices and included services for setting up a company vary greatly, all together being offered from €800 to €1600